5 Tips for Writing a Successful Grant Application for Melinda French Gates' Pivotal Ventures’ $250M Open Call

Melinda French Gates' Pivotal Ventures recently launched a $250M open call for organizations supporting women and families in the United States. If your nonprofit is looking to secure a portion of this transformative funding, crafting a thoughtful and impactful application is critical.

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Below are five key tips to help your organization stand out in the application process:

Understand the Mission and Alignment

Before starting your application, take time to fully understand Pivotal Ventures' core mission, which is focused on advancing social progress for women, families, and communities. Be sure your proposed project aligns closely with these goals.

Your application should clearly outline how your work supports gender equality, particularly for underserved communities.

To strengthen your case, focus on how your project addresses gaps in support for women and families and how it creates lasting, positive change.

Tip: Use phrases like “gender equality,” “social impact,” and “women’s empowerment” throughout your application to make your alignment with the funder’s mission clear.


Craft a Compelling Narrative

When applying for large grants, storytelling is such a powerful tool. Share the story of your organization and the communities you serve. Focus on real-world examples that demonstrate the impact your organization has already made.

Personal stories from individuals who have benefited from your programs can make your case more compelling.

In addition to sharing past successes, explain the specific problem your project addresses and how it will create measurable impact.

Tip: Include metrics that demonstrate past successes and expected outcomes. For example, explain how many people you aim to help, the timeline for your project, and the long-term benefits for the community.


Provide Clear, Actionable Goals

Your application should include clear and actionable goals using the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).

Funders are more likely to support projects with well-defined objectives and measurable outcomes. Break down how the grant money will be used to achieve these goals within a specified timeframe.

For example, if you plan to launch a new program for women entrepreneurs, outline the number of participants you expect to engage, how success will be measured (such as income growth or new business launches), and the resources needed to achieve these results.

Being specific helps funders visualize the impact of their investment.

Demonstrate Financial Sustainability

Funders want to know their investment will be managed wisely. Demonstrating financial sustainability is crucial for securing large grants.

In your application, provide a detailed budget that outlines how the grant will be allocated. Justify each line item, showing how it directly supports the project’s success.

Additionally, explain how your organization plans to sustain the program beyond the grant period. Whether through diversified funding sources, long-term partnerships, or income-generating activities, show that your project can continue to deliver impact after the grant funding ends.

Highlight Technology and CRM Investments

Innovation is the key to long-term success in today’s nonprofit landscape. Highlighting your organization’s commitment to using technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness can strengthen your application. Show funders that you’re not only focused on immediate outcomes but also on future-proofing your organization.

Show funders that you’re not only focused on immediate outcomes but also on future-proofing your organization.

For example, consider how a modern nonprofit CRM system, like StratusLIVE 365, can help manage your donor relationships and track engagement. CRMs allow nonprofits to streamline donor communication, track key metrics, and optimize future fundraising campaigns.

By showcasing how you’re using nonprofit technology to scale your impact, you demonstrate that your organization is prepared for long-term success.

In a Nutshell:

Writing a successful grant application for a large opportunity like Pivotal Ventures' $250M open call requires careful planning, a clear narrative, and a focus on measurable outcomes.

By aligning with the funder’s mission, providing specific goals, demonstrating financial sustainability, and highlighting your technology investments, your organization can make a compelling case for funding.

Remember, grants are not just about funding your next project—they’re about investing in the future of your organization and the communities you serve.

Posted by Katie Wilson

Katie Wilson is a Digital Marketing Manager at StratusLIVE. She has 5 years of experience leading successful digital marketing campaigns and creating innovative strategies to drive engagement and growth. She is passionate about helping organizations use technology to reach their goals and create positive social change.

