Transitioning from Microsoft Fundraising and Engagement (F&E) to StratusLIVE: A Seamless Shift to Enhanced Nonprofit Solutions 

With Microsoft's announcement to sunset their Fundraising and Engagement (F&E) application, nonprofit organizations relying on this platform are faced with the crucial task of transitioning to a new solution. StratusLIVE, Read more

Announcing Version 9.3 of StratusLIVE 365 CRM: New Features and Enhancements

StratusLIVE, a leading provider of nonprofit technology since 2008, has recently upgraded their StratusLIVE 365 CRM to the Dynamics 365 Unified Interface. This enhancement provides significant benefits to enterprise Read more

Navigating the Current Ideologies Influencing CSR: A Comprehensive Approach

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved beyond traditional philanthropy, becoming a strategic imperative for businesses across the globe. This evolution reflects a shift towards strategic partnerships that align Read more

StratusLIVE: Pioneering the Future of Nonprofit Technology

In the ever-evolving landscape of nonprofit technology, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. As we witness new developments across the industry, it's clear that innovation is the driving Read more

The State of Fundraising in 2023

In today's fundraising landscape, marked by a noticeable decrease in overall giving, dwindling donor numbers, and falling retention rates, it's important for fundraisers to consider new fundraising strategies and approaches. Read more

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Nonprofit Database

A nonprofit CRM is a dynamic system – constantly changing and adjusting based upon the data provided. In order for your teams to generate the most benefit from your system, you must have protocols in place and standard Read more

Optimizing Healthcare Philanthropy: 6 Essential Software Features

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare philanthropy, the role of technology has become increasingly crucial. Nonprofit hospitals and healthcare foundations are continually seeking innovative ways to streamline their Read more

Enhancing Your Nonprofit's Brand Identity

By now, most nonprofits have taken the necessary steps towards establishing their brand. Let's take a moment to revisit what a brand truly encompasses. A brand is not limited to just a logo or a set of colors; it is an Read more

5 Software Essentials Your Organization Needs to Thrive

Organizations of all sizes rely on donations to provide essential services, acquire equipment, and improve treatments. Nonprofits face the unique difficulty of gathering information from a wide range of sources, including Read more

A Guide to Creating Lasting Community Impact for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations serve a vital role in our communities – raising the voices of the marginalized, protecting the endangered, and offering solutions to today’s toughest social and environmental challenges. As nonprofits Read more