Kelly Perry

Recent Posts

The Essentials of Nonprofit CRM Reporting

Nonprofit CRM reporting is essential for organizations to drive effective decision-making based upon their donor data. In this blog post, we define CRM reporting including report types, benefits of reporting, helpful Read more

Maximize your Nonprofit CRM in 2023

Nonprofit CRMs help organize donor data, increase staff productivity, and drive toward your fundraising goals. Without one system of record, many organizations would not function effectively. In this blog post, we define Read more

How to Write Successful Year End Fundraising Emails

Year end fundraising email campaigns are crucial tactics to drive toward annual fundraising goals. In this blog post, we outline the importance of these emails, best practices, basic rules of a successful email, and ways Read more

The Complete Guide to Donor Stewardship and How it Can Help You Increase Your Giving

Donor stewardship is a defined strategy to cultivate donor relationships after a gift is given. This plan demonstrates a nonprofit’s gratitude for the gift and encourages recurring giving. In this blog post, we will define Read more

StratusLIVE Announces Roadshow Series for Nonprofit Professionals

StratusLIVE, an industry leader of software for social good, announced today their roadshow series, The Future of Fundraising. This series will be held in four US cities this fall. By partnering with other subject matter Read more

Infographic: Top Five Employee Giving Campaigns to Run

Employee giving campaigns managed underneath Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs translate an employee’s philanthropic passions into impact. These campaigns provide meaning to the workplace and demonstrate a Read more

Five Ways to Cultivate Workplace Donors into Lifelong Supporters

Nonprofit organizations work tirelessly to secure and build corporate support through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. These programs offer a unique blend of initiatives including corporate contributions Read more

Reframe your Corporate Partnerships through Shared Purpose

Today’s social and environmental challenges require cross-sector collaboration to drive effective and meaningful change. Corporate-nonprofit partnerships through initiatives such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Read more

Infographic: 10 Asks to Make that aren't Donate

Over time, your continued request to donate to your cause may fall on deaf ears. That's why it’s important to sprinkle in other ‘asks’ to your supporters. These asks offer opportunities to educate and inspire further Read more

Ten Fresh and Fun Ways to Engage Individual Givers

Individual giving is the lifeblood to nonprofit fundraising. As a nonprofit grows its individual donor base, it develops a pool of supporters upon which it can cultivate for sustained giving. Read more